Sunday, April 18

Heaven At LAST!!

HAAAAA,finally its.................DONE!!!
(eh eh belum satu je lagi,..ppoint MCK jer..)

i was so damn stress la duk kat sini..especially for the past 3weeks..
damn like HELL.... (seriously,smp demam2 neh wat esement2 blablabla...)
ahahahaha...tapi now everything's over...not for good but atleast the burdern of the 3/4 semester is done.!(did i said done again??)...
well for some reason, i'll bet that every single mingle things happened must came with a reason,a good one,aite?
maybe this is the chance to reach something bigger in life..*mungkin x mcmtu??*
apepun,nawaitu aku ke Uitm Puncak Alam neh supaya dapat menggengam ijazah sama sepertimana abah pernah lakukan..n wawa xlama lagi akan dulu berjaya dr aku..
xpelah..rezeki aku lewat sikit....

ermm..lots of things happen during the past boring 3weeks..
i got into silent fights with my classmates, i wish i cud tell her why i don't *favor* her,at all.(the word likes seem harsh at this point,huh..whatever..) the things is, some people CAN see my true feeling just only with the glimpse of my eyes,with my body language and yet i don't have to speak for, im not that kind of person who split all i front of those i don't *favor*...
i'll keep it until i get burst out!that's when u realized you had really,really messed up with the wrong GIRL..
(better then u think twice bout it)...

then for my "sayang"..
xlama dah kita leh bsama2 cam dulu...
dea pon dh settlekan semua kerje2 dea..
tunggu nk presentation saje,then dea akan ke shah alam..  
swear to God, i can't wait!
lama sangat dh kita berjauhan...
7 bulan bukan jangka masa yg singkat... 
macam macam hal boleh jadi..
Mujur hati kami kuat..
Mujur kami sabar..
Mujur Tuhan panjangkan jodoh kami...
jadi, aku harus bersyukur atas semua yg Kau beri...*Amin* 

weekend ini aku dirumah,bersama rara...ehehehe,bawak dea dtg sini supaya dea leh jumpa buahatipengarangjantung dea..hohoho....!!
sorry dik!along pecah lobang adik..kuikui.......
selase akan pulang bersama dea menaiki train...tuutt tuutt!!!!!

itu pon satu lagi, i really can't wait!!



  1. u already get through all dis.... feel better rite..... hope u have fun n njoy it.....( degree bikin kpala sume org berpusing 360 darjah)

  2. huhuhu........
    yupp!!kita harus sama2 pusing 360 drjah juga untuk berjaya..ehehehe..watever it is..lets strive together2 ya!!
    love u muax3!!!
